concocting  extraordinary  teams

March 22, 2006

Appropriate Agile Metrics

Since my contract in Virginia, where the client had a heavy PMO process, I've been thinking about measuring Agile teams, and the effect this has on teamwork. Robin Dymond and I have written up a short paper on the subject: Appropriate Agile Metrics. We know it's only the tip of the iceberg, but one has to start somewhere! Your comments are welcome... if you indicate your interest here by commenting, we can keep you up to date on Metrics developments.

Now, for a different client, I'm thinking about measuring individuals on those teams. My client says: how will we help individuals improve their performance? The pat answer is "if the team is producing their deliverables faster, with better quality, you've done enough". But this answer is not satisfying, and feels like a step backward for organizations that value personal development and make room for it in their budgets. On what basis will individuals and their managers discuss performance under the new Agile paradigm? Mike Bowler and I hatched a scheme last night at the Scrum dinner before XPToronto, with the help of some ScrumMaster buddies. It takes the "360" model of evaluation and heartily twists it in some interesting, and (we think) Agile ways! I'll keep you posted.


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